Return/Refund Policy

What is your Return Policy?

If you’re looking to return your order for whatever reason, we're here to help with no hassle! We offer returns within 7 days of purchase. You can return your product for a refund to the original payment method if the product did not meet your expectations. The refund will be processed back to its original form of payment after we received the Products without visible damage.

  • Returned items must include identifying information and be returned in the original product packaging.
  • The shipping cost will not be refunded unless you were sent a wrong item.
  • Buyer pays the Return Shipping Cost.
  • Please send your message to for inquiry and proceed the Return.


What is your Refund Policy?

  • After an order is cancelled or a return is completed, your refund will be issued to its original form of payment.
  • Upon completion of your return, a refund will be processed within 1-5 business days.
  • After a refund has been processed, please allow 3-5 business days for Paypal refunds and 3-10 business days for all other payment methods.
  • We will notify you via email when your refund has been issued.
  • An order can be cancelled and immediately refunded if the package has not yet begun processing for shipment.